I Want to Talk
I Want to Pray I Want Info on City / County Services MOOD I Have PTSD I Hurt I Get Angry I Am Depressed I Have Panic Attacks NUTRITION I Have Bad Digestion I Have Heartburn I Want to Lose Weight SLEEP I Can't Sleep I Have Nightmares BENEFITS How do I get: Veteran Health Care? Veteran Benefits? Home Loans? High School Diploma? College Degree? Job Training? MONEY I Need a Job I Need an Education I Need a Home |
These are our veterans' stories:
Veteran Interviews Ken—Short Documentary Veteran Interviews—Long Documentary Serving Those Who Served...
We are Veterans and Service Providers
in Your Community Who Provide Proven and Innovative Methods, such as Therapeutic Massage, EFT, Energy Techniques, Chiropractic Adjustments and Acupuncture, to Relieve Stress and Chronic Pain. We are Committed to Honor and Empower Veterans, Service Members, Their Families and Service Providers Living with Post-Traumatic Stress, Chronic Pain and Related Symptoms To Create Healthy, Happy, and Productive Civilian Lives. Thank You for Your Service! WELCOME HOME! Join the Vet TRIIP AmazonSmile program and Amazon donates 0.5% of your eligible purchases on Amazon.
*The statements found within this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. If a treatment, product or supplier is listed or recommended in these pages, it is not intended as medical advice or to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information contained herein is meant for general education purposes only and is in no way intended to provide individual medical advice which should be obtained from a qualified health practitioner. We encourage veterans and individuals with medical and mental health conditions to seek medical care from the VA, the Vet Centers or other qualified health care providers. Individuals with a medical or mental health crisis should call 911.
Vet TRIIP, Inc., BeneSol, LLC and their representatives assume no responsibility or liability and makes no warranty for the use or misuse of this information or the products and services mentioned herein. All trademarks, registered trademarks and servicemarks mentioned on this site are the property of their respective owners. Your use of this website indicates your agreement to these terms. This website is owned by BeneSol, LLC © 2014, 2015, All Rights Reserved. |
How Can I Benefit From:
Aromatherapy* Chiropractic Care* EFT* Meditation* Music Therapy* Nutrition Qigong / Reiki* Relaxing Exercise Sleep Tips Therapeutic Massage* *IIP Sessions may include all of these modalities. |