Since 2011, Vet TRIIP has been providing free integrative treatment programs for veterans, service members and their families living with Post-Traumatic Stress and chronic pain. Since launching the first Integrative Immersion Process (IIP) Sessions in San Antonio, TX in January, 2012, Vet TRIIP has received tens of thousands of hours of professional healthcare services (chiropractors, acupuncturists, massage therapists and other) and tens of thousands of dollars in products as Gift In-Kind contributions. In 2014, Vet TRIIP delivered $382,000 in services with a $32,000 cash budget. Unaudited financials are posted below.
Vet TRIIP, Inc. is a 501c3 tax exemption organization in Texas since 1974. Donations may be deducted to the full extend allowed by law.